Saturday, April 9, 2016


The Evil Brain: What Lurks Inside a Killer’s Mind - Jeffrey Kluger
"For as long as evil has existed, people have wondered about its source, and you don’t have to be too much of a scientific reductionist to conclude that the first place to look is the brain. There’s not a thing you’ve ever done, thought or felt in your life that isn’t ultimately traceable to a particular webwork of nerve cells firing in a particular way, allowing the machine that is you to function as it does. So if the machine is busted — if the operating system in your head fires in crazy ways — are you fully responsible for the behavior that follows?" Today I speak with Jeremy Astesano about the brains of psychopaths and some common misunderstandings.
What's going on in his brain? -

What Might Surprise You About Psychopaths

James Fallon - Psychopath Inside

Music is provided by - Bryan Divisions - "Mirror" and offered by the Creative Commons License

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